At Viso Systems, we take pride in answering your questions within 24 hours if not sooner. You can always contact your local distributor. If the distributor does not have an immediate answer for you, he or she will redirect you to HQ in Copenhagen straight away.
Your questions = our ideas for product development
We really do appreciate every question because it teaches us something new every day: New ways of using our systems, and meaningful additions to software and hardware. Further, we like to keep steady communication with our users.
Lots of ways to get online help

Call us or send us an email
Send us an email and include original .fixture files and photos for fast processing of your question. A recent .fixture file immediately tells us all about the system (type, calibration status, firmware and software versions used, etc.). Find your local distributor’s telephone number and email address here or contact

Get help from Viso’s website
- Up-to-date manuals for all products can be freely downloaded from the manuals section
- Watch the product videos and tutorials you find in the learning section
- Read the answers to frequently asked questions in the Q&A section

Open an online meeting with us
Online meetings are often the fast track to finding solutions. With the camera on in your lighting laboratory and sharing your software screens, we can easily get an overview, find solutions and show you ways of working with both hardware, software, and outputs.

Other online options
- You may share your original measurement with Viso in Help -> Support for easier support.
- With the ‘Connect to a USB Host’ functionality, you may get remote HQ support directly in your software application (provided that you grant us access).
- You may follow Viso news directly in the software – we post new tips for you 5-10 times per year
- If you prefer this, software updates are posted directly in the software when they are available
- A software exception handler makes it possible for you to share problems directly with Viso for fast solutions.