GonioSPECTROMETERS FOR automotive and transportation lighting
Specific photometric tests and measurements are required by automotive and transportation lighting standards including Rail, Aviation and Marine lighting. Viso Systems offers instruments and special dedicated software for a full characterization of light intensity distribution, flicker and colorimetry.
No matter which fundamental goniometer movement setup that is used (Type A, type B, type C), the test result consists of discrete measurement points in specific light directions. Viso BaseSpion and LabSpion can be programmed to measure in any global direction just like a robot and fulfil e.g. type B requirements.
This special “table measurement” feature allows you to set up your own measurement protocols and reports.

Why get your own lab?
Your business
Aviation lighting
Signal lighting
Automotive lighting
Marine lighting
Strobe lights
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Basic outputs for automotive and signal lighting

Set up your own measurement tables
With the special table measurement feature you can easily set up as many custom templates as you wish. Reuse for measurements and reports incl. compliance evaluation fields.

Measure everything in one go
As light is detected with a Viso fast spectrometer sensor, spectral data is recorded in every measurement. A Viso goniometer will even provide ‘color over angle’ data (not possible with an integrating sphere)

Make special PDF report designs
Design your own fully customized PDF report design using MS Word as the editor.
Extract all fundamental data in Excel and CSV formats.

Power characteristics
All Viso goniometers have a built-in power analyzer. The analyzer will help you to determine when light sources are stabilized. Important power data (wattage, efficacy, power factor etc.) are standard
Further outputs
Fundamental radiation data
Color and color deviation data
Lighting design and data export
Power and warm-up data
Popular additions
Add great tools to your system, capture more data and ease your work
The LabFlicker instrument records all contemporary TLAs (temporal light artifacts): Flicker and stroboscopic effects including PstLM. LabFlicker connects to all Viso systems
Add a LabTemp 3-port temperature probe system for monitoring ambient lab temperature and 3 temperature spots
Upgrade your existing sensor to provide a broader measurement range (eg. UV) or a wider sensitivity ranges