NVC Viso Light Inspector

One year = 2634 light measurements. This impressive number is what NVC has achieved after getting their Viso LabSpion light measurement system in place in March 2024. To put things in perspective, we usually claim that the Viso system Return-On-Investment is equal to around 100-150 measurements with a third-party lab.

A certified solution

NVC Lighting Ltd, Birmingham, UK, added the new Viso goniospectrometer solution to its LIA certificate (TSD-003 Gonio Photometry Scheme). This prestigious certification is held by only 10 laboratories in the UK and ensures that NVC products comply with the relevant regulations and standards.

CB certification is administered by theLIA and is part of the CB Scheme, a global system for the mutual recognition of test results and certificates relating to the safety of electrical and electronic products.


Images kindly sponsored by M SAN Grupa, June 2024.